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Features & Benefits

  • Eliminate old school methods, like magnetic status boards, and simplify your work life.
  • Screens available from 10" to 70" for varied applications.
  • Plug and play – simply mount and use.
  • Show mixed content, including employee statuses, contact info, and company announcements.
  • Update from anywhere using a kiosk, an Internet browser, or your smartphone.


Jerry Tibor

University of Alaska Anchorage

We also use [EIOBoard] just to see who's available. When we need to talk with someone, we'll check the EIOBoard before getting up and walking to their office."

Scott Reasoner

Barth Electric Company

[The receptionist] has a dedicated monitor for the EIOBoard, so now she can quickly see everyone’s status at a glance.

Steve Young

Judson Independent School District

It stops that question, 'Where is this person?' It helps to make that decision about how to follow up. It really enhances communication throughout our organization.

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Savance EIOBoard
Large Screen Display

Savance Large Screen Display Overview Video

Get rid of that old wall-mounted, outdated magnetic whiteboard, which is only viewable in one physical location, and upgrade to a universal, real-time electronic status display for your entire office or building. EIOBoard Large Screen Display is a fully customizable digital signage solution designed to display critical information viewable at a glance. Use it for employee status updates, company announcements, resource tracking, and much more.

Magnetic Whiteboard Replacement: Large Screen Status Displays

Savance’s Large Screen Display gives employees lots of options and flexibility for updating their status, and allows them to view cell phone numbers, returning date and times, email addresses, extensions, or any other type of information you want to display. You can also leave full-text comments, send and receive notes, and much more.

EIOBoard Large Screen Display is customizable and scalable to any size business. Post updates via a computer, a touch screen kiosk, an Internet browser, Microsoft Outlook, or a mobile device, and your status will display on one or several wall-mountable electronic display boards. Also, because the solution is electronic, it will work not only for in-office personnel, but for people working remotely, from home, or in the field.

Magnetic vs Electronic Status Board Comparison

Magnetic In/Out Whiteboard

Large Screen Status Display


View about 20-30 employees


View thousands of employees, and organize by group or department


Leave a simple 2-3 word comment


Leave a full text comment that can easily be seen by every employee.


Update or view your status from one physical location


Update and view your status from anywhere using one of several different methods*


No support for offsite employees


Remote employees can update their status, read notes, send messages, and chat


View only limited information like name and status


Configure to see cell phone number, returning time, email address, extension, and more

* Several different interfaces are available, including Windows desktop, online, kiosk, and mobile device. iOS app (iPhone, iPad) and Android app also available.

How Does It Work?

Instead of using an old-style magnetic status board, viewable and editable from a single location only, employees can quickly update or change their status using a computer, a touch screen kiosk, Microsoft Outlook, or a mobile device, and the information will immediately show on large, wall-mounted display screens. 

In its simplest form, EIOBoard Large Screen Display functions as an electronic signage solution that displays employee status updates, contact information, return times, and comments, viewable at a glance. However, with the option of a touch screen display, the solution can easily be turned into a flexible, interactive whiteboard replacement, which also allows users to initiate private or group chats, send and receive notes, and more.

Sample custom large screen digital display boards
Custom Design to Fit Your Branding & Needs

Savance EIOBoard Large Screen Display is fully customizable as far as colors and branding goes, and supports mixed content. The demo screen shown above is using a grid-style employee status display with color-coded status field, along with current weather information, and company announcements; however, we have created custom large screen display boards to show everything from business open/close statuses to fire station resource tracking to tracking of prison inmates, all using different layouts, designs, and configurations. Contact us to find out more, or begin by learning more about Savance's custom design process.

Next Steps

All Savance EIOBoard solutions integrate fully with one another, and are meant to help your business automate and simplify work processes. With our large screen digital display solution, Electronic In/Out Whiteboard, we recommend Staff Tracking, Time & Attendance and Emergency Mustering. Whether you are interested in several solutions or just one, Savance will put together a software/hardware package customized to your exact needs. Contact us today to find out more about Savance EIOBoard Large Screen Display, or to sign up for a free web demo!

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Savance was established in 1998 with the dream of providing network and software solutions to automate business processes. We started with the idea that technology could be used effectively both to make life easier, and to save companies time and money.

Savance EIOBoard offers a number of electronic status board solutions, including Emergency Mustering, Staff Tracking, Visitor Management, and more. All EIOBoard solutions integrate completely with one another. We offer a Free Demo of all solutions, as well as a free 30 day trial. For healthcare-specific solutions, make sure to see our Savance Health line or products.

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