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Note: This website is no longer kept up-to-date. For updated content, please see Savance Emergency Mustering.


Features & Benefits

  • Easy-to-use electronic mustering solution replaces paper logs for emergency preparedness / roll-call.
  • Real-time data on everyone in the building, including contractors and guests.
  • Filter employees based on status (for example, in the office, on vacation, or off site).
  • View an employee's emergency contact information and last known location (building, floor, room, etc.).
  • Provide employees with 100% Peace of Mind.


Brandon Hargreaves

Captain, Transocean

My relief and I have both had emergency musters since the installation of the system, and on both occasions we had musters in under 10 minutes. One of those emergencies took place at 0200 in the morning and involved significant emergency response and the confusion that comes along with it. Still, muster was completed in about 8 minutes. If you would have told me this before the installation of the E-Muster system, I would have thought you were lying.

David Sherrard

American Packaging Corporation

It is peace of mind to know that everyone can be quickly accounted for in an emergency, allowing for a more effective response.

Ken Davis

Radio Operator, Transocean

Before implementing [the Savance Emergency Mustering] system on the Inspiration, I was excited about the thought of faster, more efficient emergency musters. We’ve been using it for several months now and the system has exceeded my expectations.

Martin Rowland

Sherritt International Mines

It has really hit the nail on the head. It has accomplished everything we'd hoped for.

Users Include:
  • Government Agencies
  • Industrial Facilities
  • Mining Operations
  • Office Buildings
  • Oil & Gas Industry

offshore emergency preparedness solutionFor off-shore emergency management, see Emergency Mustering Offshore

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Savance EIOBoard
Emergency Mustering

Emergency Mustering - Electronic Emergency Management Solution

The Savance Emergency Mustering software solution was designed with business emergency situations in mind. Using a Windows tablet or laptop device, a designated safety officer has a simple, up-to-the minute tool for roll call during safety drills or emergency evacuations. It is an affordable and easy-to-use electronic mustering solution that can be customized to suit the needs of any business. Offshore Edition also available.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration requires all organizations to have a plan for workplace emergencies & evacuations. Are you able to account for all employees in the case of a catastrophic event?

Many companies use personnel paper logs to take roll call during an evacuation. Would you stake your life on a manually-updated paper log? What if staff come and go out of an alternative door? What about guests, delivery drivers, and contractors?

In a true emergency, lives are at stake. Each and every person must be accounted for quickly and accurately. The EIOBoard emergency management system is designed to enable you to do so with 100% accuracy. This is critical to enable firefighters and EMTs to do their job effectively.

With EIOBoard Emergency Mustering, you can:

  • Conduct a standard accountability reporting roll call, with real-time data.
  • Get immediate access to employee personal emergency contact information.
  • Filter employees based on status (in the office, on break, on vacation, offsite, off work, etc.).
  • Track each person's location when the emergency occurred (building, floor, room, etc.).
  • Give your employees the peace of mind that you will have them 100% accounted for, should an emergency occur.
Emergency Mustering Offshore - Emergency Management Solution for Offshore Emergencies

Video showing Savance's Emergency Mustering solution customized for the Oil & Gas industry

How Does It Work?

The EIOBoard electronic mustering system lists everyone that was signed in or out at the moment of the emergency. A designated Safety Officer knows who's out to lunch or on vacation, and who was at their workstation. They will also know if there were any guests or contractors in the building. When employees move from area to area or come and go, EIOBoard automatically syncs with the mobile device running Savance Emergency Mustering. The Safety Officer can communicate with emergency workers to pinpoint a person's last exact location. In addition, EIOBoard can act as a mass notification system during an emergency, to make sure emergency alerts reach all employees via computer notifications and/or text messages.

Available During Power & Network Outages

EIOBoard Emergency Mustering is hosted on any Windows-based tablet or laptop device. The system syncs with the EIOBoard electronic status board over a WiFi or a wired network at customizable intervals. When the device is disconnected, it goes into offline mode and ceases to synchronize until it is reconnected. In the case of an emergency, all that the Safety Officer needs to do is grab the mobile device on his or her way out.

Simple & Straightforward Check-In Methods

While some businesses are small enough that one mustering device and/or one muster point is enough, other settings may require several muster points where personnel can check in during a muster drill or an emergency. This can be done in a few simple and straightforward ways:

Scan badge to check in at muster point Scan badge

Scan barcode to check in at muster point Scan barcode

Use touchscreen to check in at muster point Tap name on touchscreen device

In cases where a person has an assigned muster point but can't reach it, all they have to do is check in at another muster point and they will automatically be added to the new location, and removed from the original one. This way, the system can always stay on top of a person's location, and attempts to locate mistakenly missing personnel —which can waste valuable time in an emergency situation— can be avoided. Actual missing people are identified immediately and automatically.

Custom Large Screen Display for Emergency Management
Extend Use with a Large Screen Display

Particularly useful for larger organizations –including large factories, mines, or oil and gas rigs– a custom Large Screen Display added to EIOBoard Emergency Mustering can provide an additional means of instant communication. The sample board to the right, created for a customer, provides real-time muster point status updates, viewable at a glance.

Next Steps

All Savance EIOBoard solutions integrate fully with one another. For example, with Emergency Mustering, we highly recommend our electronic Visitor Management solution, and, for certain types of businesses, a custom-designed Large Screen Display. However, whether you are interested in several solutions or just one, Savance will put together a software/hardware package customized to your exact needs. Contact us today to find out more about Savance EIOBoard Emergency Mustering, or to sign up for a free web demo!

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Savance was established in 1998 with the dream of providing network and software solutions to automate business processes. We started with the idea that technology could be used effectively both to make life easier, and to save companies time and money.

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