EIOBoard Offline Interface
- Can literally save a life!
- Used for emergency roll call situation
- All information stored on device
- View contact info and picture
- Automatically syncs with EIOBoard
- Easy touchscreen-optimized navigation screen
Offline w/ Keyboard
Main Offline Screen
The EIOBoard offline interface was designed with safety and security in mind. With this software installed on a Windows tablet or laptop, you can have peace of mind knowing that an up-to-date listing of all employees is available even when connections to the server or the Internet is severed. The system looks and functions similar to the way all the other EIOBoard interfaces work. You can sort by any of the columns, you can click on a contact for more information, or you can scroll or rotate the screen to see more information right from the status grid.
Sync the Device
The system was designed to automatically synchronize with the EIOBoard database on a preconfigured interval as long as a network connection is detected. When the device becomes disconnected, the software automatically goes into an "offline" mode and halts further synchronizing until the network is reconnected.
Emergency Roll Call
Emergency "Roll Call"
Each Offline device allows users to take an online or offline roll-call of a group of contacts or configured filter. From there, the person with the device can go through a typical roll call one person at a time while marking present or not present or skip, or they can list all contacts while optionally filtering by those not yet accounted for. The system keeps a detailed audit trail of the roll call that is available on the device and synchronizes it back to the server for future security audit purposes. A roll call report can be run at any given time to see all the results of the roll call along with basic information like when it was run, how many contacts were in the roll call, and when it was synced back to the server.
In emergency situations, it is hard to keep accurate tabs on people on your campus, especially if they are spread throughout the building. With EIOBoard Emergency Mustering, you can control and monitor secure areas and have the ability to do roll call and know exactly who is in what area during an emergency. Pair this with a kiosk, integration with your access control system, and our visitor management system, and you can automate your safety conformance and potentially save a life if disaster ever hits.