Jancox Stampings Time and Attendance Using Infinias and EIOBoard
Jancox Stampings needed to replace an old time clock punch-based system and outdated process of calculating and processing time records with a new state-of-the art and inexpensive replacement for their time and attendance.
You will notice that Jancox previously used a traditional time clock “punch” system where employees would locate their paper timecard and place it into the punch system as shown above, which would immediately stamp it with the current time. At the end of a pay period, accounting would tally up the timecard calculating the differences between each of the punches.
Drawback to the Current System
First, it was very labor intensive and error-prone. Calculation errors would cause problems that would require special attention. Payroll would be delayed because of the administration time to process all the punch cards. In addition, management had no idea as to each person’s accumulated regular and overtime until the end of the pay period after payroll was fully processed.
The New Solution
Implement the Observint Technologies Infinias eIDC controller with (2) HID Thinline II card readers and Savance’s EIOBoard timecard solution. Purchase Clamshell HID cards with blank 2x3 Polyester Avery-style labels obtained from onlinelabels.com and create a PDF ready for print using Easy Card Creator of every employee. Take the PDF on a flash drive to the local print shop such as Kinkos to get a professional color laser-printed result. Place the labels on the cards as you assign them to the employees.
The End Result
Employees maintain a similar process. But instead of punching a timecard, they scan the appropriately labeled card reader based on whether they are punching in or out. They now have the option to carry the card with them. Management now has insight to accumulated hours at any given time as well as access to how many times someone was late, who took too long of breaks, who left early, who took long lunches, and averages that help refine improvement and accountability. Accounting can now process payroll with a few clicks of a mouse and then send it electronically to their payroll processing company. The system pays for itself in saved administration costs alone. In addition, having the system unlocks many of the other benefits of the EIOBoard system such as improved communications, better collaboration, and improved overall workflow.